Bred i Port Vila

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🕗 Åbningstider

Kumul Highway, Port Vila, VU Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 29111
Latitude: -17.736169, Longitude: 168.3122742
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Kommentar 4

  • NOËLLAT Ludovic

    NOËLLAT Ludovic


  • Lalvith Lal

    Lalvith Lal


    it is the best bank in Vanuatu and also in Europe

  • Macnos Mutano

    Macnos Mutano


    The incompetence of the workers in the Internet Banking section is absolutely shocking. I have been trying to resolve an issue with my visa card for almost a month but they still don't even know what the problem is. If you send them an email expect the standard Vanuatu response (Ignore the customer and he'll end up giving up). Don't expect excellent service with this bank, that is a terrible mistake to make.

  • Jeerakun Ashwin

    Jeerakun Ashwin


    One of my favorite banking place during my stay

Nærmeste Bank:

Pacific Private Bank

Govant Building, 278, Kumul Highway, Port Vila
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National Bank Of Vanuatu (NBV)

Rue De Paris, Port Vila
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