Go 2 Rent i Port Vila

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Kumul Highway, Port Vila, VU Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 774 4092
Hjemmeside: go2rent.com.vu
Latitude: -17.7492052, Longitude: 168.3154342
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Kommentar 4

  • Wilko Beinlich

    Wilko Beinlich


  • Jaan Korts

    Jaan Korts


    I rented a quad bike for one day and all i can say, it's a solid service there. The only thing that I can point out was that i wish somebody would've informed me about the extra tax after using the vehicle more than 100km. But then again i went to hire it on time of their lunch, i guess they just forgot to mention it. No big deal. That would've not stopped me going around the Island anyway. Keep on going guys, you are doing great job!

  • franck bleuse

    franck bleuse


    Agence pas sérieuse, à éviter Nous avions réservé un véhicule par internet et tout était OK (message de confirmation recu, nous indiquant que les clés de la voiture sont disponible à l' aéroport. A notre arrivée, pas de clés et plus de voiture disponibles. Nous nous sommes rabattus vers Europcar ayant heureusement encore une voiture disponible moyennant un supplément non pris en charge par GO 2 RENT évidemment. Pas très cool pour une 1ere au Vanuatu.

  • Campbell Docherty

    Campbell Docherty


    We hired a car from these people. It would be better if you booked it before you go like we do. We hired a car but you can also hire Scooters, Quad Bikes Buggys as well.The gentleman who owns it is French but speaks perfect English. Easy to drive around especially once you get out of town. Ours was a manual so ask before you book. .

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