Iririki Island Resort i Port Vila

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Kumul Highway, Port Vila, VU Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 35060
Latitude: -17.742413, Longitude: 168.310318
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Kommentar 5

  • Kevin Bowden

    Kevin Bowden


    Very quite and peaceful. The resort is based on a small sland across the way from downtown Port Villa where the local hustle and bustle is. Amazing dining hall and pool area that looks across the water to other islands. Absolute paradise!

  • Matt Dabron

    Matt Dabron


    This is where I went for my honeymoon The place is crazy beautiful Lots of fun Definitely get a waterfront villa if you can It's so worth it And a quick word to the wise Don't drink the water like I did or your going to have a bad time

  • Gaye McKenna

    Gaye McKenna


    Fabulous place. Amazing staff who go the extra mile to make your visit comfortable and memorable. Great food. Lovely pool area

  • Bernard Wilson

    Bernard Wilson


    What a fabulous resort. Accommodation great, restaurants great, setting great. Its a fare judgement when you meet people from Byron Bay that come here for a break. Would recommend this Resort to anyone.

  • Todd Polglase

    Todd Polglase


    Beautiful resort. Very close to Port Villa but just far enough to seclude yourself away from the world. Fantastic and spacious rooms. Plenty to do around the island and the staff were absolutely wonderful, catering to our every need. Will definatley be back.

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