Melanesian Port Vila i Port Vila

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Rue de Picardi, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 22150
Latitude: -17.7473331, Longitude: 168.316119
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Kommentar 5

  • Nick Chan

    Nick Chan


    Five star service and atmosphere. Clean room with tiles and pool access. Highly recommend to stay at the pool floor. Easy access to pool, restaurant and bar. Totally worth the value. 10 minute downhill to the town center.

  • E G

    E G


    Nice hotel with nice staff. Good pool and restaurant. Close to city center

  • Jon Walker

    Jon Walker


    Great place to visit. Get a tour to really see the area.

  • Hanna Golubeva

    Hanna Golubeva


    We came here for our honeymoon and stayed for 5 nights. Communication before we came was great. All questions answered. We checked in and staff helped us carry our bags to the hotel room. The room was beautiful decorated and we felt very welcomed. All staff were friendly and informative throughout the whole stay. We ate at the buffet dinner, very well priced, traditional dancers and kava tasting was included. Even got up to dance. The food was fantastic chicken, juicy steaks, sausages, fresh salads and delicious desserts. Yum! Reception area has free wifi, comfy couches and a gallery of brochures for tours around Vanuatu. Grab a tourist map, there are coupons in there. We used a hire car one and ended up paying only 7500 vut for one day car hire and drove around the whole island. The breakfast was included in the price and absolutely delicious. You have a choice of fresh fruit, juices, tea coffee, cereal, toast with jams, croissants, muffins, pancakes with local honey and soup. The breakfast does vary slightly every day or two, and is fresh and delicious. There is an alternative menu if you want something like extra omelette or French toast. Laundry service is also available. Rooms were cleaned thoroughly every day. We also had a lovely honeymoon surprise, which I can’t thank the staff enough for 😊

  • Dan Carey

    Dan Carey


    Loved it. Such happy friendly staff. The best. I think they need a couple more staff for the dinner service as they were all working hard rushed off their feet and still some guests weren't attended to perhaps as much as they should have been. Room was immaculate.

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