Rossi's i Port Vila

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Ocean Walk Complex, Lini Highway, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 29661
Latitude: -17.7364585, Longitude: 168.3118148
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Kommentar 5

  • Ursula Vivier

    Ursula Vivier


    Great food. Decent coffee. Reasonable prices. Friendly Staff. Free wifi! Meals with a view.

  • Nicole Scheid

    Nicole Scheid


    Great atmosphere and location, they serve lunch throughout the day so it's a great option if you find yourself between regular dining in the mid-afternoon as we did. Consult the specials menu, if fresh Bay Bugs are available they are a must for seafood lovers. The burger and fries was also excellent but avoid anything with shrimp (mushy pastey and inedible). Free mango or passion fruit juice with lunch was a nice touch.

  • Ricardo Rodco

    Ricardo Rodco


    Nice ocean front views

  • Tuma Niumataiwalu

    Tuma Niumataiwalu


    My favourite place to have breakfast in Vanuatu. Great breakfast menu and lovely quiet location to watch the people on the harbour go about their morning routine.

  • Cee Bee

    Cee Bee


    The staff were amazing and looked after my baby while she slept, provides a little cushion for her. My partner and i enjoyed breakfast in peace and the ended up staying for lunch while she played on the swings. The view is gorgouse and a lovely fresh breeze off the water.

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