Brewery Bar & Restaurant i Port Vila

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Kumul Highway, Port Vila, VU Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 28328
Latitude: -17.7422424, Longitude: 168.3143482
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Kommentar 5

  • David Longva

    David Longva


    Went here for dinner and the food was ok, pizza was reasonable but the Vanuatu hot dog was pretty bad (The sausage itself was pretty good the toppings let it down)

  • Rowan Forrester

    Rowan Forrester


    $1000 VT (about $12 AUD) pizza Mon & Tues nights. Burgers are quite good. Kind of a tropical, sports pub feel. A good spot to grab a bite to eat at less tourist trappy prices. Serve local beer.

  • Kevin Marks

    Kevin Marks


    Nice beer, we had pizza with arancini balls for entree, it was nice. They seem to have a cocktail of the week and daily cocktail special too. Good place to have some nice beers. Prices are around eqiuvalent good value Australian beer bar prices. Not cheap but not expensive and you seem to get value here. The craft beers I tried were very good.

  • Ashleigh MacDonald

    Ashleigh MacDonald


    Craft beer brewed on site is fantastic. People are friendly and the service is good. I had to send a burger back it it's replacement was great.

  • Elliot Agius

    Elliot Agius


    Great Shepard's Pie and the dark pale ale goes amazing with it. Great service as well!

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