Moorings Hotel i Port Vila

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Kumul Highway, Port Vila, VU Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 26800
Latitude: -17.7306991, Longitude: 168.3113788
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephen Huggard

    Stephen Huggard


    Clean hotel and staff are friendly. However the car we booked from the airport never appeared and the breakfast is priced in a very strange way. I ordered a cooked item but was still forced to pay for a continental breakfast for no reason. Also a 5% surcharge for card payments.

  • Paul Steele

    Paul Steele


    Nice clean and friendly hotel in Port Vila.

  • Daves Lawn Services Maintenance 0433329954

    Daves Lawn Services Maintenance 0433329954


    Friendly people and looks like nice Accomodation and good location

  • Monica Myers

    Monica Myers


    Great little spot just a few minutes walk away from the city centre. Small rooms and somewhat aged bathrooms are balanced by exceptional staff, great food and well priced drinks. Oceanfront rooms have wonderful views. You can go for a swim, a bit of kayaking or snorkeling right from the deck (the pool is nice but why would you swim there when the crystal clear shallow bay is right at your door?) Close to some great restaurants.

  • David M

    David M


    The best special in the whole of Port Villa, if not the whole of Vanuatu - 1,300 for a meal and drink - what a deal! Huge serving size, fresh and tasty! Absolutely awesome service and the only thing that rivals it is the extraordinary view across the beautiful sea I front of you.

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