Vanuatu National Museum i Port Vila

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Port Vila, Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678
Latitude: -17.7455593, Longitude: 168.3173811
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Kommentar 5

  • Kanga1788



    The documentaries we're really interesting

  • Stephen Huggard

    Stephen Huggard


    One of the highlights of Port Vila for us. This was largely due to the very entertaining and talented guide. We learnt a lot about the fascinating history of the Vanuatu Republic.

  • E G

    E G


    Small but nice. About history and traditions of the country

  • Jino Hota

    Jino Hota


    I like this place because it reminds me about the traditional method.

  • Theo OnTour

    Theo OnTour


    The museum has a fairly small exhibit, but it does cover most aspects of Vanuatuan life. For me it was a perfect intro to Vanuatu. There's also a gift shop on site, with some nice pieces to purchase. Do check it out when you are in Port Vila!

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