Breakas Beach Resort i Port Vila

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Pango Road, Efate, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 23670
Latitude: -17.7755787, Longitude: 168.2941403
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Kommentar 5

  • Shamus Tickell

    Shamus Tickell


    Very friendly service, nice location. On this side of the island, the ocean can make it very noisy at night during windy months. There were some issues with ceiling-dwelling lizards defecating in the room. Also a lot of dust and dirt can come down from the ceiling. For the price the food was disappointing, however the drinks and the bar were very nice. Again, the staff were very friendly and professional.

  • Jacqueline Fairbrass

    Jacqueline Fairbrass


    Loved this place! Warm, friendly staff. Beautiful setting. Would love to come back in the future. Would recommend to anyone wanting a relaxed, happy atmosphere.

  • Phil Stanley

    Phil Stanley


    One of our favorite spots to spend the day relaxing great food and friendly staff. Beach is safe but shallow nice infinity pool. Adult resort not many/ any kids

  • T Jay

    T Jay


    Average. Staff were cold, really didnt engage with us at all. Food was fine. Fares were, well, odd. Not the quietest of places; that surf place down the shore gets it on til all hours.

  • Debbie Hunt

    Debbie Hunt


    Breakas Resort is a wonderful home away from home. The staff are amazing and friendly. I will certainly be returning.

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