Coconut Palms Resort i Port Vila

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Rue Cornwall, Port Vila, VU Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 35444
Latitude: -17.744435, Longitude: 168.31929
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Kommentar 5

  • Daemon Hauyer

    Daemon Hauyer


    I will return to the resort as soon as I can. The staff and service are better than I expected and I had slept in the most comfortable bed also, nice and quiet at night.

  • Steve Roodhouse

    Steve Roodhouse


    Great people had a fantastic time ... 😁

  • Tracey Vea Vea

    Tracey Vea Vea


    Hi I found the staff very friendly and helpful and Jenny who went out of her way to help me and my cousin who had some dramas. We were very grateful and releived and thankful for her help. Very much appreciated just shows the spirit and kindness of the Ni-van people. Thank you.Hopefully the string band Will be playing when we come back. We felt safe being a long way from home.

  • Malu Hunter

    Malu Hunter


    Luxury without being fancy. Nice short walk to town and close to Australian High Commission. Beautiful big rooms and bathrooms and a lovely pool. Excellent friendly staff and delicious meals at reasonable prices compared to Australia. Perfect for a young family like us. Nice hot breakfast too. Definitely recommend for those on a budget and not looking for fancy prices and hotel.

  • Bill Saedder

    Bill Saedder


    Rooms are dated, a toilet did not work, (our room was quickly changed), refrigerator door did not close properly. However the staff were great, always ready to help. Great pool, good food and a short walk to town. Also they stored a suitcase for us while we were in Tanna. The staff make this place.

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