The Retreat Seaside i Port Vila

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Captain Cook Avenue, Port Vila, VU Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 25941
Latitude: -17.7467248, Longitude: 168.3216083
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Kommentar 5

  • Sanjeet Chand

    Sanjeet Chand


    Good for beer lovers, Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays is when beer is on happy hour. Place to chill with mates, nice ocean view with cool breeze.

  • David Naylor

    David Naylor


    Good food, nice bar and a great view of the Lagoon. Good spot to go for drinks and a meal after work, or to watch sport on the big screen. Parking is a little tricky as you have to park on the street.

  • Alison Boyd

    Alison Boyd


    Vanuatu was quiet when we were there however Dan and his family made us feel like part of the family and we had a great time. They have so much local knowledge and even took us on a bike trip- round the island. Would highly recommend to backpackers (they have dorms rooms) and people that want a lovely getaway

  • Helene Draper

    Helene Draper


    HIDDEN GEM! This place is great. From the roadside it looks like an empty building, particularly during the day. Don't be fooled! We came here to watch the all blacks vs lions match and the whole place came ALIVE! A terrific pork roast, a friendly family run bar along good old fashioned sports bar lines, that you can't find anymore, and we were in heaven! We didn't stay here so can't comment on the rooms but Andrew tells me they have been open 12 months now and are planning additions. In our books all you need for a good stay are friendly well-meaning hosts and the rest will fall into place. That's what this place has. Plus a knock out view!

  • Sarah Malo

    Sarah Malo


    Unfortunately not the best experience. Place was quite over priced for what it is. Upon booking it is said a continental breakfast is included however please note this is cornflakes and milk and bread. (A toaster is provided to toast your bread if you prefer) I would suggest if you decided to stay here to ensure all valuables and money is locked away or with you when you are out of your room. On a good note the owners are extremely friendly and accomodating. Food is same priced as all other resorts and restaurants. Food is very nice

Nærmeste Bar:

Sea Side Kava Bar

Captain Cook Avenue, Port Vila
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