World Car Rentals Vanuatu i Port Vila

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Kumul Highway, (opposite Au Bon Marche Supermarket), Nambatu Area, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Kontakter telefon: +678 26515
Latitude: -17.7496774, Longitude: 168.3158776
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Kommentar 3

  • Mark Lewis

    Mark Lewis


    Amazing Service, Great car.... Thanks

  • Simon Mossman

    Simon Mossman


    Very nice , friendly and most helpful. Genuine approachable staff and family operated business.

  • Nicole Ross

    Nicole Ross


    We hired a compact 4x4 on our recent visit to Port Vila, and were happy with everything. Booking online was quick and easy, and pricing was competitive and transparent - no hidden surprises here. Our incoming passenger card came with some discount coupons, including one for World Car Rentals, which we were allowed to use when we collected the car. The car performed well on our drive around the Ring Road. Returning it at the airport the next morning was convenient, and we were met by a World Car Rentals staff member, who took a quick look over the car, and the pre-authorisation was promptly released from my credit card. Definitely check out World Car Rentals for good rates and friendly service!

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